Found only on this website, 'Simone' answers your questions!
The following questions have been submitted to Simone via this website. Simone has replied to the questions as the character she is at the end of Simone's Website.
Q: Why did you put up with Chloe all these years if she is not really your friend or a good friend? Tiffany, Bournemouth
Well, that's a bit harsh, Tiffany, but I know what you mean. The thing is with Chloe is she isn't always nasty or shallow. A lot of what she says is a big act in front of people. I think because I'm a lot more confident now she knows I won't put up with her if she's showing off or tries to put me or my friends down. I've learned to ignore her - that really winds her up!
What people don't know is she sometimes phones out of the blue just for a chat and it is like the old times. I think, deep down, she knows I'm the one person who knows her best. After all, we go way back, right to playgroup!
Q: What do I say when I want to ask out a girl? Joseph Ngongo
Well, to be honest, I'm not the best person to ask, Joseph, as nobody's ever asked me out! I suppose it depends on how confident you are and who the girl is. It's probably a good idea to pick the right moment. If you do it in front of all her friends or yours it might lead to complications. I saw a boy ask Chloe out once and she pulled a really sour face and said 'As if,' even though she'd told his friends during geography she really fancied him. She just likes to mess people around but other girls wouldn't be like that, so don't be put off. I suppose you could always text but that's not very romantic. If somebody did ask me, I think I'd like it to be face-to-face with no one else around.
Q: Does your sister still like jokes and what is her favourite? Mabel K
Thanks for asking about Izzie, Mabel. She does still like me telling her jokes, even though she doesn't understand a word! I made up a knock-knock joke that she loves when she's just had her bath. It goes like this. I say 'knock-knock' and she smiles and waves her arms around and then I go 'did you say "who's there, Izzie?"' and she starts to chuckle because she knows what's coming and then I put my head in her tummy (not too hard, obviously) and blow a massive raspberry on her skin and she does this amazing chuckle. I have to be careful though because sometimes she gets hiccups or over-excited and it takes ages for mum to get her to sleep. Baby sisters are brilliant!
Q: Has there ever been a time when you have really hated Anthony Bent? Alan M
I don't think I've ever really hated him but there have been times when I've felt very annoyed and angry with him. Like the incident in Year Six when the class visited the Dream-ee Toffee factory and he pushed me into the bag of icing sugar. Actually, now I come to think about it, that was worse than annoying; that was dangerous, seeing as I had one of my worst asthma attacks because of it and ended up in hospital. I couldn't hate him for that, though, because it was an accident and he did write a letter of apology.
The times I disliked Anthony most were when he was being nasty to Peter. Anthony is super-brainy and looks down on people like Peter who aren't. That's not a very nice characteristic to have, is it? He's getting better at holding his tongue these days, though, thanks to me borrowing Alexis' People Skills booklet.
Q: If your mum and dad got back together, how would u feel? Melisa
When my mum and dad first split up, all I dreamed about was of them getting back together. Now though, I can see it wouldn't work because neither of them have got the look of love in their eyes for each other so they'd only argue all the time. We've got a baby in the house now, and I know from documentaries on TV that constant friction is not good for your child's development.
Besides, if they got back together again now, I think it would be too confusing and complicated because they've both got new partners. If by some miracle they did get together again, what would happen to Jem and Alexis? It would be like going through the divorce all over again, though worse, probably.
Q: How did you feel when your parents split up? Samantha & Danielle, Northumberland
A: I remember the day my dad left as clearly as anything. I was eight and in Miss Cassidy's class. I remember Mum being really quiet when she picked me up from school but I thought she was just tired because she had been up all night with me again. My asthma was really bad in those days and night times were the worst. As soon as I got home I knew there was something wrong because all Dad's jackets and coats were missing from the hallway and there was a big patch where the 'Somerset Ales' enamel sign used to be. Mum then showed me the note she had found when she came in from work. It said 'Sorry, Cath, but I just can't cope any more.' I remember asking what it meant and Mum being really angry and saying it meant 'male for being pathetic'. Things got worse when we found out Dad had gone to live with Alexis. Mum went mad when she found out and wouldn't let him see me at first until they went to court. I became a bit anxious and didn't like going to school for a while. It wasn't the best time of my life but looking back I suppose if two people aren't meant for each other there's no point sticking together and making everyone miserable. It's not something I'd want to go through again.
Q: How did you feel when your mum told you she was expecting a baby? Samantha & Danielle, Northumberland
A: I was a bit shocked at first and worried about being left out when the baby came, especially as Jem was the baby's father but he wasn't mine. I was worried Jem might not like me as much once he had a child of his own. I remember e-mailing Anthony Bent, of all people, and telling him my feelings and he e-mailed me back and reassured me everything would be OK and he was right, as usual!
Q: What do you think about teenage pregnancy? Samantha & Danielle, Northumberland
A: It's funny but the other day I was out pushing Izzie on the baby swing in the park and these two women passed and one said to the other 'Oh, isn't it dreadful - still a child herself.' The other one glanced at me and said, 'it doesn't bear thinking about.' I realised they thought I was Izzie's mum! As if! I'm not thirteen yet and don't even have a boyfriend (urgh!). There's no way I'm having a baby until I'm at least thirty-five but it just shows how people jump to conclusions.
I'd hate to be a teenage mum, no offence if you're one, but seeing how hard it has been for my mum and Jem just getting a bit of sleep or finish their pudding without Izzie crying has put me right off. Mum laughed when I told her she wouldn't be a Gran for a decade or two but she added sometimes things like babies don't always arrive when you'd like them to and in fact usually come when you least expect them to! She said people like the two women in the park shouldn't be so quick to judge. In their days, pregnant, unmarried girls had to go into a home miles away for the whole nine months and when the baby was born it was immediately taken away from them. The girls then went back home and pretended nothing had happened. That seems cruel to me. No wonder there's so many mixed up families about.
Q: What do you do in your spare time? Samantha & Danielle, Northumberland
A: After I've finished my annoying German homework you mean? I still go to Technology Club once a week after school. I'm working on a curved perspex CD rack at the moment. It's a bit wonky where it's not meant to be but Mr O'Connell says to call it 'innovative' so I will.
I like listening to music and hanging out with Tamla and Mel. I don't see much of Chloe, apart from during lessons, unless I go into Taunton on Saturdays. She always sits outside Starbucks with Jo Lyons and whichever poor lads they're seeing and starts talking really fast and loud when I approach. So predictable! Sometimes I babysit for Izzie but I don't mind that because I get paid.
Q: You always seem really happy and cheerful when you write - but how do you feel inside? Samantha & Danielle, Northumberland
A: I'm not always cheerful and happy - you should see me when Izzie's just rubbed mashed banana on my clean t-shirt - but thanks for thinking I am! I suppose it's because when I do have a problem I know there's always someone to talk to about it, like Mum or Jem or Tamla. And the writing helps - even if it's just a short e-mail to someone or a long entry in my diary it means I can pour everything out on paper instead of letting it go mouldy inside!